Date of Event: 2024-06-24
Event: Global Anti-Scam Summit Europe 2024
Presenters: Lynn van Meijgaard & Kirstin de Jong, Policy Advisors - Online Fraud at Dutch Banking Association (NVB)
Lynn van Meijgaard and Kirstin de Jong from the Dutch Banking Association (NVB) led Workshop 3 at the Global Anti-Scam Summit Europe 2024. The workshop focused on identifying best practices in fraud detection and intervention, featuring presentations on game-changing strategies in Europe, successful interventions from Australia, and insights into criminal journey and barrier models applied in the Netherlands. Participants engaged in group discussions to map effective solutions tailored to regional challenges.
Contributions from:
Lynn van Meijgaard, Dutch Banking Association (NVB) Introduction
Anna Martin, European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) & Sanne van der Neut, European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB) 4 gamechangers to enhance the impact of fraud prevention at EU and national level in Europe
Lynn van Meijgaard & Kristen de Jong (NVB) Criminal journeys, barrier models and interventions - the Dutch approach
Workshop 3.1 : chasing the ‘golden egg’ by mapping out the most effective solutions from all corners of the world
Toby Evans – Australian Payments Network Two of Australia's best interventions against scammers
Workshop 3.2: chasing the ‘golden egg’ by mapping out the most effective solutions from all corners of the world
Sylvana van Kasbergen, DataExpert Task Force to Combat Bank Helpdesk Fraud
Lynn van Meijgaard, Dutch Banking Association (NVB) Recap/Finalize workshop output